First I am going to discuss how to you can build structure of your airplane. Detail description of each component as follows:
Center Wing Tape
Center Wing Tape is used to fix wings with the body of airplane. You don't need to use this tape always, any light weight tape can be use for this.
Center Wing Tape: Cessna 40 ARF Value
Tail Assembly
Tail Assembly is used to contruct the tail of the airplane. This component consist with four parts. Tail is very important to stabilize the orientation, pitch and yaw of the airplane. You can use plastic or very light weight wood (balsa wood) to construct this. If you are a beginer, it better to buy this part because correct size and shape is very important.
Tail Assembly: Cessna 40 ARF Value
Wheel Axles
Wheel Axles used to fix wheels and axles.
Wheel Axles: Cessna 40 ARF Value
Nose Gear
Nose gear is used to fix front wheel of the airplane. This gear works as shock absorber for front wheel.
Nose Gear: Cessna 40 ARF Value
Spinner is fixed in between the properller and the enginer/motor. Cone like shape of the spinner is important to move through air.
Spinner: Cessna 40 ARF Value
Fuselage is the main structure of the airplane. All components are fixed to fuselage. You can use very light weight wood or plastic to make this part.
Fuselage: Cessna 40 ARF Value
Main Land Gear
Main Land Gear is used to fix landing wheels of the airplane.Wheel Axsels are fixed to this and wheels are fixed to those axsels.
Main Land Gear: Cessna 40 ARF Value
Wing Set
This is the main wing set of the airplane. This wing should be very light weight and size/share should be very unique.
Wing Set: Cessna 40 ARF Value
Wheel Pants
Wheel Pants used to cover wheels of the airplane. The shape of the wheel pants is important to reduce disturbance from wheels through air.
Wheel Pants: Cessna 40 ARF Value
First you need to supply all above parts before you move into implementation of the airplane. In next article we will look at how we connect all these parts together and build your first radio controlled airplane.
Prepare this part list and ready to go:
1. Center Wing Tape: Cessna 40 ARF Value
2. Tail Assembly: Cessna 40 ARF Value
3. Wheel Axles: Cessna 40 ARF Value
4. Main Land Gear: Cessna 40 ARF Value
5. Spinner: Cessna 40 ARF Value
6. Fuselage: Cessna 40 ARF Value
7. Wing Set: Cessna 40 ARF Value
8. Wheel Pants: Cessna 40 ARF Value
Once you complete your project, your airplane will look like this.
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