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Showing posts from March, 2010

Hanger 9 - Cessna 40 ARF, Value Series

In previous section we discussed about major components of radio controlled airplane. In this article will look at further details about Hanger 9 - Cessna 40 ARF, Value Series radio controlled airplane and how each of these components are fixed and controlled. In previous article I mentioned that we need few components to make a airplane. First we need to have structure of the plane, wings and tail. Then we need to have a propeller for your airplane and engine/motor to give power to the propeller. Finally you need to have a mechanisum to control your airplane. First I am going to discuss how to you can build structure of your airplane. Detail description of each component as follows: Center Wing Tape Center Wing Tape is used to fix wings with the body of airplane. You don't need to use this tape always, any light weight tape can be use for this. Center Wing Tape: Cessna 40 ARF Value

How To Make A Radio Controlled Toy Plane

We discussed about    How to make a paper airplane  and  Rubber band powerd toy plane  projects that you can try on and get an idea about how to flying an airplane. But those projects are very simple and used only very basics of flying machines. You can go further and build advance flying machines or toy airplanes. From here onward I will discuss on those topics. As a begining we will look at how to make a radio controller toy plane.  When you build your own plane it is very important to think about how you are going to control that plane while its moving. Not like automobiles; planes or flying machines should have better controlling when it take off, landing and flying. When any machine moving through or on air, its movement is totally depend on how the air behave and how it changes. So, to maintain stability of your airplane, you should control it properly. We can remotely control your airplane and radio frequency can be easily used to transfer your...